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El Resello de las Macuquinas en Costa Rica (1846)


SKU: 12272
Alt. Model: 9789968530583
ISBN 13: 9789968530583
ISBN 10: 9789968530583
UPC: 9789968530583
EAN: 9968530581
BARCODE: Jose A. Vargas Zamora; Manuel B. Chacon Hidalgo; Josue I. Sanchez Chaves
Regular Price: $45.00
Sale Price: $40.49
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NOTE: This book is written in Spanish.

This book, published by the Museum of Central Banks of Costa Rica, includes enlarged images of the obverse and reverse of 90 cob "macuquina" coins, some without countermark and most with the 1846 countermark that enabled their circulation in Costa Rica, for all the denominations: one, two, four and eight reales. The introductory pages contain a brief history of the foreign coins with countermarks applied in the country in 1841, 1845, 1846, 1849 and 1850. The book concludes with an alphabetical index and information on the coins that between 1847 and 1850, replaced these countermarked cobs.

Binding: Paperback
Edition: 1st
Publication Date: 2021
Size: 7 1/2 x 10 1/2
Pages: 88

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