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Contemporary World Gold Coins


SKU: 12156
AUTHOR/EDITOR: Sanford J. Durst
ISBN 13: 9780915262014
ISBN 10: 0915262010
EAN: 9780915262014
Regular Price: $15.00
Sale Price: $11.29


This book covers world gold coins from 1934-1974.  The catalog is arranged alphabetically by country with over 120 gold coin producing countries represented from Afghanistan to Yugoslavia.  Within each nation, coins are arranged generally in choronological order.  Each coin is numbered for refernce and sizes and weights are given in millimeters (mm) and grams (gms) typically used in numismatic references.  Gold content is expressed in fines with 1000 fine being pure 24 carat gold and 900 fine, for example, being 90% gold.  Mintages given are the actual reported mintages.  Coins that are issed as Non Circulating Legal Tender are noted as "NCLT."  Photographs appear below each listing.  Special sections at the rear of the book cover important data for collectors such as conversion of weights and measures; intrinsic value of common bullion coins; a cross reference of denominations and countries; and the storage and care of gold coins.

Binding: Hardcover
Edition: 1st
Publication Date: 1975
Size: 6x9
Pages: 100

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