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Arkansas Merchant Tokens


SKU: 14518
AUTHOR/EDITOR: Tom H. Robinson; David E. Schenkman, editor
ISBN 13: 9780918492074
ISBN 10: 0918492076
EAN: 9780918492074
Regular Price: $32.50
Sale Price: $25.99
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Arkansas Merchant Tokens, illustrated with approximately 900 photos, is the standard reference for merchant tokens of Arkansas. It includes exact descriptions, a rarity guide, and many historical notations.  

Arkansas Merchant Tokens offers the most complete listing attempted for tokens issued in the state of Arkansas.  Transportation tokens, well cataloged in other works, are mostly omitted in this catalog.  The exceptions are livery tokens which have been included as they are properly merchant tokens as well as transportation tokens.   Scrip is listed in the catalog with numerous listings for lumber and coal companies. Several examples of scrip in denominations greater than one dollar appear.  "Good for" tokens are included and, while denominations similar to normal coinage predominated, odd denominations were occasionally employed with examples of 2 1/2, 3, 4, 8, 40 and 80 cents, among others, represented within the book.

Binding: Hardcover
Edition: 1st
Publication Date: 1985
Size: 6x9
Pages: 278

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